
Yan Lavallee receives "Most Cited Author 2003-2007 Award"

Yan Lavallee and co-authors received the "Most Cited Author 2003-2007 Award" for their publication on "Caldera subsidence in areas of variable topographic relief: Results from analogue modeling" in Journal of Volcanology & Geothermal Research at this year's EGU 2007 in Vienna.

Proposal for DEISA Extreme Computing Initiative accepted !

Martin Käser's proposal "Seismic wave propagation solutions for realistic 3D media" for the DEISA (Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications) Extreme Computing Initiative is accepted. In collaboration with Michael Dumbser and Josep de la Puente a new high-resolution approach for wave propagation simulation on massively parallel hardware is further developed and applied to large-scale problems in numerical seismology.

Wenn es in Bayern Erdbeben regnet

The LMU issued a recent press statement on work by Toni Kraft and co-workers at LMU Geophysics and University of Potsdam, published in Geophysical Research Letters and Tectonophysics, in which they argue for a link between rainfall and seismic instability.

GPlates Workshop

A one-day introduction to the use of the GPlates-software being developed by Prof. Dietmar Müller and his group from the University of Sidney. Prof. Müller is currently a Mercator-Visiting-Professor.