Plattner & Malservisi provide a 2009 Science Highlight for the UNAVCO-homepage
InSAR Data reveal evidence of coseismic deformation due to the Gulf of California earthquake on August 3rd, 2009. Image provided by Christina Plattner, LMU, Falk Amelung, Univ. of Miami, InSAR Laboratory, Rocco Malservisi, LMU, & Tim Dixon, Univ. of Miami, InSAR Laboratory.
Test Access to Lyell Collection
University library of LMU provides limited test access to The Geological Society of London's Lyell Collection.
Munich Geophysics successful in DECI-5
Among the 50 scientific projects that have been awarded supercomputing resources in DECI-5 are two involving Munich Geophysics.
Prof. Fumiko Tajima will stay with us until 2010!
Prof. Fumiko Tajima, formerly of the Univ. of Hiroshima, is receiving continued funding to spend a second year as a guest scientist with LMU geophysics.
Rob Coe and Brian Kennett return to LMU Geophysics
Humboldt-researchers Rob Coe and Brian Kennett have returned to LMU Geophysics for another short "sabbatical". We must be doing something right! and are very much looking forward to stimulating presentations and discussions.
Congratulations to Christina, Axel, Benoit and Bernhard for a successful finale to their PhD!
Another four students in THESIS have successfully completed their PhD and will soon be moving on to new positions outside Munich.
Andreas Fichtner receives Outstanding Student Paper Award for his presentation at the 2009 AGU Joint Assembly in Toronto.
Andreas Fichtner has been selected to receive an Outstanding Student Paper Award for his presentation at the 2009 AGU Joint Assembly in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Three PhD-students from the LMU-part of the Munich GeoCenter win prizes in a photographic competition
In the photographic competition of the LMU Graduate Center first, fourth and fifth prize went to PhD-students from the Munich GeoCenter.
Ramon Egli cited for excellence in refereeing
Dr. Ramon Egli (Geophysics-Magnetism) was honored in the 2008 Editors' Citations for Excellence in Refereeing. He was cited by John Tarduno and his services for the journal Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems - also known as G-cubed. His picture and citation appear in EOS Vol. 90/28, Jul 14 2009.
Renate Matzke-Karasz and co-authors publish on giant sperm in Cretaceous Ostracodes in Science
Renate Matzke-Karasz and co-authors provide evidence that sexual intercourse involving giant sperm - at least in Cretaceous ostracodes - can be an evolutionary successful strategy despite its high cost.
Yan Lavallé receives the Leopold Gélinas Medal in Gold
Dr. Yan Lavallée has been awarded the Leopold Gélinas Medal in Gold by the Geological Association of Canada. The award is for his groundbreaking studies of the rheology and ductile-brittle transition of lavas in volcanic eruptions.
Geophysics welcomes Dario Bilardello
The Geophysics section welcomes Dario Bilardello as new PostDoc in the Magnetism group.
New paper in Science on Hotspot motion
A paper in Science (April 3, 2009), co-authored by P. Bunge, reviews the evidence for strong Hotspot motion. The new result is featured on the LMU home page (April 3, 2009).
Kein Schwamm im Stammbaum des Menschen
LMU-Forscher konnten die genetische Ähnlichkeit und damit die weitgehend ungeklärte Verwandtschaft bestimmter Schwämme, Nesseltiere und anderer evolutionär früher Tiergruppen aufklären. Die Ergebnisse können auch dazu beitragen, die Entwicklungsgeschichte von Organsystemen nachzuvollziehen.
Moritz Bernauer awarded 2008 AGU Fall Meeting Outstanding Student Paper in Seismology
Moritz Bernauer has been selected to receive an Outstanding Student Paper Award for his presentation at the 2008 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. The presentation "Inferring near-receiver structure from combined measurements of rotational and translational ground motions" was recognized as among the best of a strong group of student presenters.
Eliteförderung für Matthias Hackl
Matthias Hackl, Doktorand in der Sektion Geophysik, erhält ein Stipendium nach dem Bayerischen Eliteförderungsgesetz.
Christina Plattner awarded 2008 AGU Fall Meeting Outstanding Student Paper Tectonophysics
Christina Plattner has been selected to receive an Outstanding Student Paper Award for your presentation at the 2008 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. The presentation "Baja transfer by partial coupling with the Pacific plate.", was recognized as among the best of a strong group of student presenters.
Miguel Alatorre receives University Prize from UNAM
Miguel Alatorre, doctoral student of the THESIS Bayerische Elitenetzwerk, has been awarded the prestigious Alfonso Caso" by the National University of Mexico (UNAM).
Dr. Sigloch im Deutschlandfunk
Am 27. Februar 2009 diskutiert Dr. Karin Sigloch von der Münchner Geophysik mit beim Hochschulquartett von Deutschlandfunk und manager-magazin.
Andreas Fichtner receives GJI-Award for "Best Student Paper 2008"
Geophysical Journal International´s Student Author Award Scheme recognizes and acknowledges the 'best papers' submitted to the journal from young scientists in the field.
Vulkanologe und Magmaquetscher (Volcanologist and magmasqueezer)
Prof. Dr. Donald Bruce Dingwell will be interviewed on Bayern 2, one of the main Bavarian-wide radio stations, concerning his work towards developing an early-warning-system for volcanic eruptions. The interview will be broadcasted on October 31st at 16:05.
DAAD-funded RISE stipendiat Allen Poapst hosted by Axel Gerik (TUM PhD-student under THESIS)
From May to August 2008, the Munich GeoCenter's International Graduate school THESIS (Complex Processes in the Earth: Theory, Experiment, Simulations) welcomed Allen Poapst in the framework of a DAAD RISE scholarship. The RISE program, launched in 2004, encourages North American undergraduate students to take up an internship at a German university or research facility.
Dingwell named as Chair of Earth and Cosmic Sciences of Academia Europaea
The council of the Academia Europaea, Europes academy of arts and sciences, has named Prof. Donald Bruce Dingwell to the position of Chair for Earth and Cosmic Sciences.
Andreas Fichtner (THESIS PhD-student) speaks at the 58. Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates
On July 3rd the Elite Network of Bavaria hosted a Bavarian Get-together for the participants of the 58. Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates. 25 Nobel Laureates and about 500 young scientists from 67 countries were invited. Andreas Fichtner (PhD-student in the International Graduate School THESIS of the Elite Network of Bavaria) was one of four young speakers presenting their research this evening.
Outstanding Student Presentation Award for PhD student in Geophysics
Michael Wack, PhD student in Geophysics received an award at the biannual Castle Meeting 2008.
Three students from THESIS and colleagues jointly publish in Nature
THESIS-students Yan Lavallee, Benoit Cordonnier and Axel Gerik together with their co-authors publish their recent research findings on explosive volcanism. Their observations during experimental fragmentation of real magma samples in the laboratory suggest that forecasting of explosive eruptions of active volcanoes may be possible.
Munich Geophysicist Hans-Peter Bunge elected member of Academia Euopaea
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Bunge, Chair in Geophysics at LMU, was elected as full member of the section "Earth & Cosmic Sciences" of the Academia Europaea at their council meeting on April 24-25, 2008 in Heidelberg, Germany.
Nanowissenschaftler Wolfgang Heckl erhält Bundesverdienstorden
Wolfgang Heckl, Professor für Oberflächentopographie an der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München und Generaldirektor des Deutschen Museums, wurde am heutigen Montag mit dem Verdienstkreuz am Bande der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ausgezeichnet.
Best Oral Presentation Award
THESIS student awarded for best oral presentation at annual meeting of DGG (German Geophysical Society)
THESIS-students join forces in the experimental monitoring of active volcanoes in Mexico
Miguel Alatorre (THESIS student) and Dr. Yan Lavallee (THESIS student alumni) initiate international collaborations with volcanologists from the universities of Colima and Mexico to study two active volcanoes in Mexico. Their new endeavor aims to combine experimental work with field studies to refine our knowledge of fragmentation involved in the transition of effusive to explosive eruptions.